
My Avon Haul...

7:19 PM

I have finally taken some pictures of my order from Avon the other day, which are all below. They have come out with a line of new brushes, all with ergonomic handles. The brushes are really soft and have good texture, and after trying them, I am sold on the rest of the line. And for only about $5/brush, I'm definitely going to grab a few more for my collection.

Below are a few pictures of the two brushes I picked up, the "All Over Shadow Brush" and the "Eye Liner Brush". The shadow brush has a nice shape to it, which aids in blending and base colors. The liner brush is square and has a little bit of guts to it, but it still is a great brush to use on both top and bottom lash lines.

Above: Brushes head on

Brushes turned and up close.

Avon has also started their own line of mineral makeup. Although I have tried the foundation and didn't really like it, the shadows they have are really nice. Below is a new one, with a bit of shimmer.

Avon Smooth Mineral Eye Shadow "Pink Sapphire"

Secondly, similar to MAC Mineralize eyeshadows, Avon has a new wet/dry shadow line - Avon Satin Delux Eyeshadow Duo. The colors are extremely pigmented and can be worn wet or dry, as the name implies. The color I picked, Plum Pair Duo, is a bright lavender purple split with a deep chocolate brown. Both colors are very frosted, hence the poor picture. The actual picture from Avon's website (below) is very true to the color of the set.

There is also a set of blushes that is split like the shadows. The Satin Delux Blush has a very pigmented, non frosted side, as well as a complimentary frosted side that can be swirled together to make a beautiful blush when applied to your face. I chose the Neutral Duo, which is a bright coloral with neutral undertones. The picture is below.

The last thing I ordered was part of the new mark. skincare line. I have always had great results with the mark. line (makeup included), but now they have come out with a natural skincare line, each focusing on something different, but all designed around the benefits of antioxidents and fruit extracts.

Specifically, I ordered the facial cleanser That's Deep Purifying Gel Cleanser with Sugar Maple and Black Willow Bark, the moisturizer See Things Clearly, and two Hookups - one for breakouts Get Clearance and the other to help depuff eyes Light Bright. I will do a review in a bit.

Cosmetics Princess

EOTD - Subtle Spring Green

8:08 AM

Indiana weather is the weirdest thing - last week our highs were in the 80's, and this week our highs are in the 50's-60's. Unbelievable! They aren't kidding when they say "if you don't like the weather in, just wait a day, it will most likely change!".

Anyway, I work at a garden nursery on the weekends to earn a little extra cash, and this past weekend we were nice and cool out, so I was able to play with some makeup before I went in. I decided to do a little spring green color - something subtle since I didn't wear much else besides the eyeshadow. Again, as you have all probably figured out, green is one of my all time favorite colors, so this was a no-brainer for me.

Loreal HIP Secretive - base
The Cosmetic Princess "Silver Sage" - inner corners/lower lash line
Taylor Made Minerals "Envy" - outer corners
Milani Wet/Dry Eyeshadow "Lilly White" - high light
Mary Kate & Ashley Liquid Eyeliner "Black"
Rimmel Eye Magnifier Mascara in Black

Today I should be receiving my Avon order, and hopefully my She Space
order, so I am keeping my fingers crossed for that! I'll definitely post some pics when I get everything!

Bare Escentuals

FOTD - Ocean Waters

8:40 AM

I am starting to like blues more, especially turquoise and white together on the eyes. I tried to do something a little different (and very blue) today with some Revlon and Loreal colors that I have had laying around for a while.

Everyday Minerals Intensive Foundation "Fair Medium"
Bare Escentuals Mineral Veil
Bare Escentuals Blush "So Fab"
Bare Escentuals All Over Face "Flawless Radiance"

Loreal HIP Paints "Secretive" - base
Loreal Wear Infinite "Glistening Ocean" - lid, lower lashline
Cover Girl Eye Enhancer's Pallet "Crystal Waters" (all colors) - outer corner and outer crease
Milani Wet/Dry Eyeshadow "Lilly White" - hilight
Bare Escentuals Liner/Shadow "Dragonfly" - liner

Maybelline Wet Shine "Pink Cotton Candy"

You can see a nice closeup of the colors below. First is the Loreal Glistening Oceans, then the Covergirl pallet, and finally my new liner/shadow by Bare Escentuals "Dragonfly". I love it!

Bare Escentuals

I love Ebay

8:27 AM

Sometimes you can get the best deals on ebay, one of which I just received the other day. The Bare Escentuals "Glamourista" set had some colors I really loved, especially the glimmer "Glamourista". I ordered it last week and finally got around to taking some pictures of it, which are below. Also included were "Stunner", a blush "So Fab", and "Flawless Radiance", which is absolutely beautiful over the blush.

Below I have taken closeups of the individual colors.

"Stunner" is a frosty warm beige/yellow color.

"Glamourista" is a beautiful sparkley olive green.

"So Fab" is a berry, with a hit of shimmer

"Flawless Radiance" is a great hilighter and all over face color.

Bare Escentuals Glimpse "Stunner"

Bare Escentuals Glimmer "Glamourista"

Bare Escentuals Blush "So Fab"

Bare Escentuals All Over Face Color "Flawless Radiance"

Storage Solutions

Makeup Storage Continued...

9:51 AM

As promised, this is my attempt to begin to clean up my makeup storage. Currently I am using two three-tiered Sterlite containers, where each drawer serves a purpose (lipsticks, eyeliners, etc). I keep them in the cabinets under my batheroom sink.

As you can see, they tend to get extremely messy! Things get tossed around, and when it comes to my mineral makeup (which I wear everyday and love), I tend to lose track of what I actually have! Below are shots of each drawer:

My mineral makeup drawer: This had all of my eyeshadows/liners in it as well, but I have taken them out and put them in a Plano container (as described in the previous post).

Single eyeshadows/pots

Surplus of Drugstore brand eyeshadows

Eyeshadow pallets: This drawer gets cluttered FAST!

Liquid Eyeliners: As you can see, I have tons of them!

Lipsticks and lipgloss: This drawer is quickly overflowing as well.


Now, to my new and improved method of storing the mineral makeup eyeshadows. As I said yesterday, I found these Plano 3700 drawers that hold an eyeshadow on it's side perfectly. I ended up sorting everything by color (because I'm a huge nerd) and put the dividers in placed to help keep the colors snug. I think it worked out really well!!

Plano storage of mineral makeup - as you can see I have tons of Bare Escentuals!

I found out it works great for my NYX pigments, too - plus, I have more room for more makeup!

Storage Solutions

Mineral Makeup Storage

10:05 PM

I have been trying to find a simple, clean, and organized way to keep my mineral makeup for months. Right now I am using two of these three teired rubbermaid containers, that fit right under the sink or on top of the vanity: I have found that although I can fit a lot of makeup in these, I end up pulling a drawer out and shoving it back in when I'm finished, only to toss the makeup around in the container and cause a mess later on. To be honest, I have two of these full of makeup, and each drawer has a purpose:

1. Eyeliners

2. Lipsticks/Lip glosses

3. Pigments/Loose drugstore brand pigments

4. Mineral makeup

5. Pallets

6. Individual single pressed eyeshadows.

Although I try and be organized by allocating one drawer to one purpose, I still end up causing more problems than it's worth. So, I went to the local Lowe's store over my lunch and took a look at their storage solutions and tool boxes. I ended up going with a little storage box by Plano (3700 series - that's kind of funny, it sounds like it's a car!), which has removable dividers to help create different size compartments within the box itself.

I am going to work on organizing my mineral makeup tonight, so I will take pictures of the before and after when I'm finished. From what I can tell, the mineral eyeshadows I have (Bare Escentuals, Taylor Made Minerals, etc) will fit perfectly - let the games begin!

I'm baacckkk....

8:10 AM

...finally, after days of car shopping, my husband and I were able to find one! So, now that we are not sharing a car and my schedule is back to normal, I should be back in action here on the blog.

I have lots of things to catch up on, and a couple of new hauls too. I will be updating everything shortly!

Cover Girl

EOTD - Spring Rainbow

1:00 PM

I absolutely love this time of year, when the flowers start to come out and show some color, the wardrobe finally changes from the dark colors and bulky sweaters to bright pastels and sun dresses! It means that summer is right around the corner, the days are going to get longer, and time for fun in the sun!!

I mixed a bunch of colors together to get this look, and although it looks awfully pale in the picture, there is so much pearl and frost to the colors I chose, I think the reflections of the light off the shadows makes the colors seem a bit washed out. I foiled this entire look, as well.

Laura Geller "Citrine" - inner corner of lid and under inner corner of lashline.
NYX Ultra Pearl Pigment "Pink Pearl" - inner portion of lid/lower lash line
Cover Girl "Aqua Paradise" - outer corner of lid and lower lashline
Laura Geller "Jade" - crease
Hard Candy "Subtle" - hilight
Rimmel Eye Magnifier Mascara "Black"

All in all, this was a really pretty look, and a way to play with colors without being overwhelming.

Lazy "Cat"urday

7:29 AM

Yesterday it was a beautiful and bright 70 degrees here in Indiana, but today it is supposed to snow and have a high of 40. Wow - they aren't kidding when it comes to drastic changes in the forecast!

Anyway, today is going to be a lazy Saturday, or Caturday, as I thought it appropriate to post a couple pictures of my cats lounging around earlier this week when I was at home working. Pumpkin is rather lazy, and I'm pretty sure taking the pictures of him interrupted his daily rituals of doing nothing! Linus, at the bottom, loves to find the sunlight and lay on his back for hours. Sounds good to me!

Bare Escentuals

FOTD - Bronze & Beautiful...

6:00 PM

...well some day, if the sun would ever come out! Anyway - here is another look with my favorite colors - golds and bronzes. I can't get enough of them together, and as the summer comes, they still remain some of the easiest colors for me to work with! Today, I wasn't feeling having to work, so this was fast and easy for me to finish.
Laura Geller Balance-n-Brighten
Laura Geller Blush-n-Brighten "Honey Dipped"
Loreal HIP paint - base
Everyday Minerals "Oaisis" - inner corners
Bare Escentauls "Fun" - outer corners
Taylor Made Minerals "Brown Sugar" - lower lash line
Bare Escentuals "Sex Kitten" - crease
MAC Vanilla Pigment - highlight
Mary Kate & Ashley Liquid Liner "Black"
Rimmel Mascara
Laura Geller Lipshine "Spice"


FOTD - Laura Geller Baked!

6:16 PM

Today I got to try out all the Laura Geller goodies I got in the mail! It was a lot of fun as I've never tried her makeup before. I did all of my shadows dry today, for a more subtle look.

I'm not going to lie, I am loving this makeup. The colors are great - and for once the foundation is a pretty good match on my skin. The blush (Honey Dipped) is a beautiful sun-kissed look, too, which I need this early in the spring! :) The eyeshadows are pretty well pigmented, but I did go over the colors a few times to get the effect I was going for. There is tons of frost to the colors, though, which I absolutely love (I'm a sparkle nut!).

Laura Geller Balance-n-Brighten
Laura Geller Blush-n-Brighten "Honey Dipped"

Laura Geller "Pink Frosting" - Lid
Laura Geller "Devil's Food" - Crease
Mac Pigment "Vanilla" - high light
Laura Geller "Plum" liner - lower lash line
Laura Geller "Black" liner - upper lash line (wet)

Laura Geller Lip Shine "Spice"

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