EOTD Purple

EOTD: Jesse's Girl Earthtone and Fyrinnae Shinigami

12:34 PM

I just wanted to post a quick EOTD for you all on my way out the door!  It's been such a hectic week, I haven't had the opportunity to upload my new MAC purchases for you!  That will be coming soon...

Anyway, below I wanted to play around with purple again - this is becoming one of my favorite colors.  I used Jesse's Girl Color My World Baked Shadow in Earthtone, Fyrinnae Shinigami, and MAC Phloof to create the look below.  After rediscovering my Jesse's Girl, you will probably see more looks with those to come!

Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy
Jesse's Girl Color My World Baked Eyeshadow "Earthtone"
Fyrinnae Shinigami - crease
MAC Phloof - highlight
Rimmel Volume to the Max Mascara

Blog Awards

Great Blog Awards!

8:32 AM

The lovely Heather from Eyeconic tagged me and Shakeup Your Makeup in the "I Love Your Blog" Award!  I was so excited when I received her email...it is so humbling when such beautiful women and bloggers honor eachother!

In honor of receiving this award, I wanted to send along this award to some other bloggers I have love reading - their updates are part of my morning ritual each day! 

Check these lovely ladies out - from drug store bargain shopping to beautiful FOTD's, there is a little bit for everyone above!


ETOD: Fyrinnae Otherworld, Jesse's Girl Color My World Baked Eyeshadow "Aqua"

10:27 AM

A bright blue for you today!  I found the cutest perwinkle and navy dress at Target the other day, so I decided to wear it and play around with some blues for my makeup!  I became reaquainted with Jesse's Girl Color My World Baked Eyeshadow in Aqua, which I bought a while back, and forgot how pigmented these actually were, especially when used under Fyrinnae's Pixie Epoxy.  I also used Fyrinnae's Otherwordly and MAC's Frost pigment to complete the look. 

Just a quick look - I have some swatches to upload and post for you soon!  I wish the sky looked like that color blue outside - instead it's a gloomy, cold and cloudy day for us here in the midwest!

Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy - all over lid
Fyrinnae Otherworld - inner corner, lower lashline
Jesse's Girl Color My World Baked Eyesahdow in Aqua - outer corner, into crease
MAC Pigment "Frost" - highlight
Mary Kate & Ashley Black Liquid Eyeliner
LashBlast Mascara

EOTD Silver

Review: Maybelline EyeStudio "Silver Starlet" & EOTD

9:19 AM

After much deliberation, I decided to pick up one of the new Maybelline EyeStudio eyeshadow duos in "Silver Starlet".  Actually, Nouveau Cheap's review of these shadows made me decide to pick one up!  These remind me of the Laura Geller Baked Eyeshadow Duos, which I've reviewed numerous colors here.  I was leaning towards the olive green duo, but decided to go outside the box a little bit, and picked up the silver/gray and pearl duo. 

Upon first glance you can see that on the right-hand side, the pearl side is swirled with bronze, pink, periwinkle blue, ivory and even a bit of silver.  The left hand side is a mixture of charcoal and hints of silver shimmer.  I honestly didn't think these were going to be very pearlescent, but in reality, they were (swatches are below). 

I took two different angles so you can see the larger shimmer (not chunky glitter, but really larger peices of shimmer) and the pearly-ness of the two shades.  There was very little fall-out with these colors once applied to the eyes, too, which is an added bonus.

The silver charcoal shade looks just like it did in the pot.  The pearl side actually blends to be a beautiful pinky biege highlight.  It's not quite as dark as it appears in the swatch above - I think when the flash reflected back into the camera, it picked up more of the bronziness of the color, and not everything else.  Hopefully my EOTD's below will help you see the true colors blended together.  The pigmentation is fantastic!  Both swatches are done dry, with no base underneath.  The colors wear extremely well, without fading or creasing.  I did apply it wet in my EOTD below, so it works extremely well foiled too!  A very versitile eyeshadow at a drugstore price!  Not bad!

Maybelline EyeStudio "Silver Starlet" - pearl side, all over lid / charcoal side on outer corner and crease / charcoal side foiled to outer "v" as well / charcoal applied dry to lower lashline.
Prestige Cosmetics Liquid Glitter Eyeliner "Starlit Black" - liner
LashBlast Mascara

Retail Price: $5.99-6.99 regularly - currently on sale for $4.99

Where to Purchase:  Local Drug Stores, Walmart, online
Product: 5 out of 5
Price: 4.5 out of 5
Packaging: 4.5 out of 5
Overall: 4.5 out of 5
Would I purchase again?  Definitely!  I was very pleasantly surprised with the quality, staying power, pigmentation and color variety with these shadows.  The shadow I purchased is very smooth and creamy, and applied like a high-end shadow.  I am very anxious to try out another shade, as well as the quads that are now available through the EyeStudio line.
Have any of you tried this line?  I'd love to hear what you think!


Happy Valentine's Day EOTD: Fyrinnae Chaotic Evil & Lights of Stockholm

9:35 AM

Happy early Valentine's Day everyone!  In honor of this red and pink, sugar-coated holiday, I decided I was inspired by one of my very favorite candies - conversation hearts!  I mean the original conversation hearts, too...not the new bright, nasty flavored ones they have made now.  Sorry for the mini-rant, but I was so disappointed this year when I bought my bag of Sweethearts and found they had changed the recipe.  It's the little things in life like the traditional Valentine's candy that I look foward to, and I was sorely disappointed this year.

Anyway, back to my tribute to the original pink conversation hearts!  I usually don't dabble in neons, but I was struck by Fyrinnae's Chaotic Evil sample I recieved in an earlier shipment, and since I hadn't tried it out yet, I figured this was the perfect time to do so!  Chaotic Evil is a really neat color, and definitely outside the box for me.  Not only is it an extremely bright bubble-gum or Barbie pink, but it is a matte with silver shimmer woven throughout.  Unfortunately, my pictures didn't pick this up, but it is quite an amazing shade.  I usually lean towards the frosts and pearls, but I might have a new lemming with these types of shades.  Lights of Stockholm is from Fyrinnae's City Glam Cosmetic glitter collection.  These are not eyeshadows, per say, but can definitely be used around the eye if done carefully.  Unlike true glitters that we think of, which are made of pastic or metal, Fyrinnae has made this line out of lab created minerals that sparkle in a very similar way, and don't scratch the way traditional glitters can.  These City Glam Cosmetic Glitters are a great way to add some sparkle to anything without having to worry about an overly pigmented shade.  I really like to use these as a higlight, on top of a color that I want to enhance the color/shimmer of, and even on their own when I just need a hint of color.  You can also use these over lipgloss, in your hair, add to nailpolish (for all you Frankener's out there!)....the possibilities are endless.  If you haven't tried these out, they are quite beautiful. 

Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy - all over lid
Fyrinnae Chaotic Evil - inner corners
Bourjois Ombre a Paupieres Noir Emeraude - outer corner, into crease
Fyrinnae City Glam Cosmetic Glitter Lights of Stockholm - hilight, on top of crease/corner color
Prestige Cosmetics Liquid Glitter Eyeliner "Starlit Black" - liner
Rimmel Volume Flash The Max Mascara


EOTD: Fyrinnae Lousy Tip, Griffonrider, and Polar Bear

9:53 AM

I have one more EOTD to post here before I get back into some reviews and swatches that have been sitting on my camera for over a week - whoops!   Although this goes back to the neutrals I've been wearing a lot recently, I think this is much brighter and has a bit more pizzaz than some of my previous posts.  This is a blend of Fyrinnae Griffonrider, Lousy Tip and Polar Bear.  I'm a little disappointed that my camera didn't pick up the complexity of Griffonrider in this look, but I should have some swatches coming up soon that do.  Griffonrider is not only a beautiful bright yellow-gold frost, but it has hints of turquoise shimmer woven throughout that make this color so much more than your typical gold.  Lousy Tip is a very deep copper - as described the Fyrinnae website - the color of an aged penny.  Gorgeous!

I created this look by using the following:
Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy - all over lid
Fyrinnae Griffonrider - inner corner, lower lashline
Fyrinnae Lousy Tip - outer corner, crease
Fyrinnae Polar Bear - high light
Mary Kate & Ashley Liquid Eyeliner "Black"
LashBlast Mascara "Black"


EOTD: Fyrinnae Dressed to Kill & Liquor is Quicker

9:38 AM

While I was anxiously awaiting Punxsutawney Phil's reaction to being pulled out of his hole the last week, I decided to give him some moral support with some spring greens - again wearing Fyrinnae's Dressed to Kill.  In looking at this EOTD versus the one I did last week using Dressed to Kill, it still blows my mind how much personality and versatility Fyrinnae eyeshadows have.  The green shade looks so different in the previous look as it does here...yet one more reason I absolutely love Fyrinnae's products! 

This was a very simple look using the two Fyrinnae shadows, and just a hint of a black shadow in the corners to add some depth to the entire thing.

Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy - all over lid
Fyrinnae Liquor is Quicker - all over lid
Fyrinnae Dresse to Kill - crease, outer corner
Bourjois Ombre a Paupieres Noir Emeraude - outer corner
Mary Kate & Ashley Liquid Eyeliner "Black"
LashBlast Mascara "Black"

Bare Escentuals

ReThink What Matters: The Need to Find Yourself....

9:40 AM

I often find that this time of year, between the weather and the stress that comes with begining a new year, we often lose focus on ourself.  I personally have trouble dealing with the ever-cold weather, and the snow and clouds that come with it.  This week, the sun decided to shine (after it dumped 9+ inches of snow!), so I decided to take the weekend as an opportunity to recharge my batteries and "find myself" again.  Between the 10's of trash bags I took to the local Goodwill and trash, to finding old favorites deep in the closet, I feel a little bit better today than I have in the weeks past.  It's amazing what a good refocus and cleaning can do for one's outlook! 

What do you do in order to find yourself?  Is it just a matter of really focusing and purging yourself of non-essential items?  Is it a treat (maybe some makeup or a night out with friends)? Or is it just some good ol' "me time"?

This week, Bare Escentuals "Rethink What Matters" topic is The Need to Find Yourself....take a jaunt over and see how you pair up with other ladies!

EOTD Green

A Springy EOTD: Fyrinnae Kimchi, Dressed to Kill, and Damn Paladins

8:00 AM

I have fallen in love with color again...after weeks of wearing either neutrals or basic smokey grays, I've decided that regardless of the fact that Puxatony Phil saw his shadow, I'm asking for spring to come fast and furiously! 

So, at my attempt to entice Spring to make an enterance early, I decided to play around with some Fyrinnae shades that have sat idle in my drawer for some time.  The colors I chose probably wouldn't have gone together if I hadn't been wearing a shirt that had a watercolor-floral print of peaches, pinks, greens and yellows.  I chose Fyrinnae Kimchi, Fyrinnae Dressed to Kill, and Fyrinnae Damn Paladins.  Kimchi looks almost matte with flecks of glitter in the pot, but once it is applied, especially over Pixie Epoxy, it is absolutely stunning.  Dressed to Kill is probably one of my favorite colors - this is an absolutely perfect olive green with tons of golden green shimmer and sparkle.  It is beautiful applied dry, over PE, or wet (I used PE and wet here).  Damn Paladins adapted to a more golden yellow hue in this look, where it is actually a beautiful pale golden taupe with bluish glitter in the pot. 

I tell you what, those Fyrinnae shadows always put on a show!  Below is how I applied.

Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy - all over lid
Fyrinnae Damn Paladins - inner corner, lower lashline
Fyrinnae Kimchi - middle of lid
Fyrinnae Dressed to Kill - outer corner, crease, wet as eyeliner
LA Splash Nude Diamonds - highlight
LashBlast Mascara


FOTD: Fyrinnae Otherworld, Geek Glam, and Sassy Minerals Fierce

8:00 AM

The sun is finally out here in the midwest, so as a tribute to the bright blue skies, I decided to venture outside of the neutrals I've been wearing lately into my Fyrinnae and Sassy Mineral stash to play with some color.  I decided to use Fyrinnae Otherworld, Geek Glam and Sassy Minerals Fierce, along with LA Splash Nude Diamonds.  As an added bonus, I finally got to use my Milani Infinate Liquid Eyeliner in Endless. 

I have to preface this with a disclaimer:  I did rush through this look because I was in a hurry, but you at least get the general idea.  I do think I could have blended better, and cleaned up some of the fall out, so I will have to keep special attention to that next time. 

Here are the shades I used:

Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy - all over lid
Fyrinnae Otherworld - inner corner, lower lashline
Fyrinnae Geek Glam - middle of lid
Sassy Minerals Fierce - outer corner and into crease, blended with Otherworld
LA Splash Nude Diamonds - highlight
Milani Infinate Liquid Eyeliner "Endless" - lashline
Lashblast Mascara

I find it odd how blending the Otherworld into Fierce made it turn out to be blacker(?) in the picture, and in person for that matter.  Fierce is a warmer purple, but I wanted to add that light turquoise over the top - I don't think I'll do that next time.  I am loving the purple color of Milani's eyeliner in Endless - this is truely purple, and nothing more - it doesn't look black, it doesn't look brown, it's p-u-r-p-l-e, and I love it!

Bare Escentuals

Rethink What Matters: Rethink Your Environment...

9:35 AM

This week's topic for Bare Escentuals Rethink What Matter's campagin is to "Rethink Your Environment".   Think about what's important to you: be that what type of an environment you live in, or the Earth's environment!  Once you answer the questions, you'll be entered to win one of 500 Bare Escentuals bareMinerals blushes

Made with 100% pure bareMinerals, this silky blush provides the most natural, good-for-you cheek color available. Offered in a wide range of shades, bareMinerals Blush imparts long-lasting color that may be worn alone or paired with other bareMinerals All Over Face Colors for additional dimension and texture.

Features and Benefits:
100% pure bareMinerals
Free of preservatives, talc, oil, waxes, dyes, binders, fillers and fragrances
Long-lasting, natural color
Versatile and adjustable color
Soft, silky weightless texture glides onto skin

Add natural, radiant color to the complexion following the steps below:
SWIRL a small amount -- less is more -- of preferred bareMinerals Blush in the lid with the Flawless Application Brush or Angled Blush Brush until all bareMinerals are tucked into the bristles
TAP away excess so no bareMinerals are visible on the outside of the brush
BUFF bareMinerals onto the cheeks for a luminous glow; blend onto the apples of the cheek for a pop of color if desired.

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