Spotted at Meijer: New Color Club Magnetic Polishes
10:39 AM
The Meijer I do my usual grocery shopping in has finally restocked with some new cosmetics and nailpolish, so I have quite a few things to post here. First up, some Color Club. I'm so happy to see these finally stocked on a regular basis, instead of just in little holiday packs. I read about and see this brand on blogs all the time, and have never found anywhere to purchase until now.
Meijer had a huge end cap/rack of Color Club's Magnetic Polishes in a variety of shades. I took closeups below, as well as purchased two (Hipnotic and Sci-Fi) so I'll post pictures and reviews of those once I am able to swatch them. There are a total of 6 colors to choose from on this display. Price for each was $5.99 a bottle, which was more than regular Color Club polishes ($3.99 a piece at Meijer), but I believe these are bigger bottles, although I could be wrong.
More pictures below after the jump...
I love these two below: Cop an Attitude and Sci Fi - I'm wishing I grabbed that copper one!

So what do you think? I have you tried these (or any magnetic polishes) yet? I'm anxious to give them a try!