
My LitCosmetics Haul: Magic Dragon, Really Nude, Soul Sister, Abba, Glitter Junkie and Mother Earth

1:19 PM

On St. Patrick's Day, Lit Cosmetics had the most beautiful freebie on orders - the color Magic Dragon.  I was so mesmerized by the images on Instagram, I had to pull the trigger on an order, so I went all out!  I picked up one of the Lit Kit's with the Water Resistant base, Forever Wear glitter base in Almond, and the colors below.  I couldn't be more excited to play with these colors.  I already have visions of them on top of liners and with cut creases.  I am also looking forward to trying these bases, as I tend to have issues with either watery eyes, or just plain 'ol fall out, so I am hoping between the two, these suckers stay put!



Morphe Pallets: 35W, 35O and 35D

9:33 AM

(Morphe 35W)

Several weeks ago I was able to grab some of the Morphe pallets off of their sale.  I got three, the 35W (warm), 35O (orange) and 35D (dark) pallets and they are just beautiful!  The pigmentation on these pallets is over the top, the colors are very blendable and creamy.  The mattes don't tug, and the metallics/frosts don't fall out.  I couldn't be happier and find myself using the pallets daily.  

Feel free to click any of the pictures for a larger view.  What is your favorite Morphe pallet?

(Morphe 35O)

(Morphe 35D)

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