One of the Color Club Magnetic polishes I picked up at Meijer last week was Sci Fi. This is a metallic olive green with golden undertones. When actually applied (no magnet) it is a really warm olive with tons of shimmer/metallic and some golden flakies. When the magnetic is applied, oh boy do things change! This looked like a tiger's eye gem on the nails - the pattern literally moved as I tilted my nails in the light. It was so cool!
This was my first attempt at magnetic polishes, and I have to say I like them. The colors are a bit deeper and richer than I typically wear in the summer, but this one was gorgeous.
Of course my manicure not applied really well - I was so anxious to give these a try I forgot to finish with my routine - clean up, wash and moisturize - before I took the pictures. Also, my camera was dead again, so I had to use my iPhone.
Just a few quick thoughts. Application was easy. I actually applied one coat without using the magnet, and then the second coat did it nail by nail - applied polish and then magnet over wet polish. The consistency was really nice and I didn't have any problem with drying time. My pinkie nail must end up being farther from the magnet because I didn't have nearly as intense of a pattern on either pinkie as I did on the rest of my fingers. My only complaint is this: the polish chipped and peeled like crazy the following day. I'm not sure if it was because of my application and/or technique, or if it was truly the polish itself. Either way, this mani only lasted a day on me before it was so peeled up I had to remove and do something else. Bummer, but hopefully you fellow readers have some advice for me!
The color is very pretty. I always fail with these magnetic polishes.