Friday, May 27, 2011

Guest Post: Summer Skincare Tips!

Summer is almost here so it’s time to put away the heavy clothes, get a brightly colored mani pedi and most importantly start a summer skin care regiment. Not sure about how to go about your regiment? Here are some tips:

Exfoliate Weekly-  Getting rid of the old skin cells that accumulate on your face and body is a great way to give your skin a natural healthy glowing look. Once a week is sufficient to get good results.

Moisturize Daily- While you don’t want to use the same thick moisturizer in the summer that you do during the winter, it’s still very important to use a light weight, water-based moisturizer so that you hydrate your skin.

Use Sunscreen- When applying sunscreen to your face, you should apply one teaspoon and when applying it to your body, you should use the equivalent of one shot glass. To make sure that you get the best protection possible, be cautious when applying the sunscreen so that you cover every inch of skin and be sure to reapply it every 1 to 2 hours.

Use Body Lotion Daily- The rules for body lotions are pretty much the same as those for moisturizers. Select a light weight body lotion that won’t make your skin feel heavy and apply it right after you take a shower so that it really sinks into your skin.

Update Your Makeup- If you use liquid foundation, you may feel more comfortable if you switch to a powder because it allows your skin to breathe more easily. It is also recommended that you wear a lip balm that has an SPF of 15 in order to keep your lips soft and protect them from the sun.

Tan Safely- While it may be tempting to go sunbathing or lay in a tanning bed a far better option is to use a sunless tanner or bronzer. The tanner and bronzer will give you a nice summer glow and help the fight against wrinkles without exposing you to dangerous UV rays.

Wear Light Weight Clothing- Clothing made from cotton rather than a synthetic yarn is your best choice because it allows your skin to stay cool and breathe. Synthetic or manmade fabrics keep the heat in and make the skin overheat needlessly.

Drink A Lot Of Water- While it’s recommended that you drink eight glasses of water every day, it would be a good idea to drink more of it during the summer months. Don’t forget, the heat will cause you to sweat so you need to replenish your body often so that it looks vibrant and healthy rather than dried out.

Have a great summer!

This guest post was written by one of the instructors at a beauty school with locations in New York and Florida.


  1. Great tips! I do all of them but I'm guilty of not enough water!

  2. Thanks!

    I'm guilty of that too. Coffee seems to take it's place, more often than not!
