Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Happy Birthday! (to me!)

Today is my birthday, which is so hard to believe. It's amazing how, as you get older, the days, months and years seem to whiz right by! I feel like I just took down all of my fall decorations and threw out the pumpkin from last year, and here we are thinking about getting a new round of pumpkins to carve for the front porch!

Anyway, I wanted to thank you all for a wonderful year, and I look forward to many more to come!


  1. happy birthday one!
    hope you have a great year ahead

  2. Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day and a fabulous year ahead. :)

  3. Happy, Happy Birthday! =) It's a good excuse to buy more makeup, lol!

  4. Happy belated birthday !!! And yay for new pumpkins :-)

  5. I hope you got lots of cool presents from your family, whether unofficial/ official / inlaws / outlaws / biological / extended / half / step / (fill in blank)

    including lots of makeup!
