Monday, October 20, 2008

My other passion besides makeup

There aren't many other things I love to collect and consider a hobby besides makeup. The one thing I would say ranks right up there is growing orchids. There's something about the beauty and color range that orchids have, not to mention the satisfaction of being able to make one bloom, that I just love!

Now that the weather has turned cool here in Indiana, I had to bring in my orchids from outside, which is where they reside during the hot and humid summers here. The other morning I had a few minutes before I had to head to work, and amongst the forest of green leaves, I found this beauty that had opened unknown to me!

I can honestly say I had no idea it was going to bloom, not to mention how thrilled I was at the color contrast and beauty of the bloom. Talk about inspiration for some EOTD's! Unfortunately, we had a severe wind storm earlier this year and the tag must have blown away, so I cannot remember the name.

Below are a few more pictures of some blooms from last year - we'll keep our fingers crossed that I can get them to repeat their show this year!


  1. such pretty pix.. i really want those SLR cameras.. but would cost me a fortune! lol

  2. I actually got mine "on sale" because it was returned by the customer who purchased it. They are definitely worth saving up for, that's for sure!

  3. Ohhhh so pretty! I love orchids too!

  4. Wow, those are gorgeous! *wants to take up growing flowers now*
