Tuesday, October 14, 2008

EOTD: Too Faced Galaxy Glam Eyeshadow

My husband and I celebrated our 1st anniversary last night, and in honor of such I decided to wear my favorite color - green! More importantly, I was able to play around with my new Too Faced Galaxy Glam eyeshadow, which I am currently obsessed with!

This shadow is so versatile. Not only is it wet/dry, but it has several different colors, that with the right brush and application can create an look all in itself, like below! I used the the entire shadow swirled together to create the bright kelly green on my lid and pulled it down under my eye as a lower lash liner. I then selected the darker hunter green swirls, and used them to create the smokey look that is carried up into the crease. With a different brush, I picked up the light green/white swirls, and used those as a high light. Then, with my flat head eyeliner brush, I applied the shadow wet as a liner on my upper lid. Top it off with your favorite black mascara, and ta-da!


  1. how nice! and congrats on the anniv... hey, quick question which mascara do you use?

  2. Thanks Vanessa! I use a ton of different mascaras based on my mood - this time around I used the Rimmel GlamEyes in Extreme Black.
